Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Desert Vacation FAQ's

"Dazzling Desert Adventures" is here to answer your many questions!

Q: When is the best time of year to travel to the desert?
A: It really depends on your personal preference. The desert is extremely hot in the summer, but it gets cold in the winter.

Q: Why choose "Dazzling Desert Adventures?"
A: You should choose DDA because only we have the lowest prices (starting at only $100) and has the best feedback!

Q: Why should I visit the desert?
A: The desert is an amazing place with sights you don't see many other places in the world. I mean, where else can you race camels?

Q: Is the desert dangerous?
A: Potentially. If you aren't careful and deliberately put yourself in danger, then yes, it is.

What Should I Wear?

When choosing to go to the desert, this question might come to mind. "What should I wear." Dazzling Desert Adventures is here to help.
This is what you should wear to the desert:

Of course, boys can modify it for themselves. Here are some tips on what to wear in the desert:
1. Sunglasses are a must!
2. Wear a hat to keep the sun out of your eyes.
3. Layer a tank top to help with sweat.
4. Layer a loose cotton top over the tank.
5. Add a light sweater to help with the wind.
6. Wear a belt to keep sand from getting in your pants.
7. Wear light cotton pants not shorts. The long pants will help with sun exposure.
8. Add ankle boots to complete the look.
9. Do not forget sunscreen

Desert Activities

You might be wondering "what can I do in the desert, anyway?" Well, "Dazzling Desert Adventures" has the answer to that!
1. Camel Racing

Yes, this is a real thing. You can actually race camels in many deserts around the world!
2. Stargazing

Who wouldn't want to look at the beautiful night sky? In the desert, you can enjoy the stars without the blaring city lights.
3. Photography

The beauty of the desert is incomparable! The desert is a lovely place to practice your photography skills and capture these moments in your life.
4. Jeep Tour

Lots of deserts offer Jeep tours. They will take you around in a Jeep and show you around the wonderful desert.
5. Hiking

What better way to explore the desert than to hike up and down the majestic sand dunes? After all, experiencing nature in the real world is a vital learning tool.

Those are just a few of the exciting experiences the desert has to offer. If you want to do any of these buy your tickets through "Dazzling Desert Adventures" now!

What Desert Should I Go To?

Once you've decided to vacation to the desert you're hit with the predicament of choosing your desert to visit. To help you amazing people out there, "Dazzling Desert Adventures" has typed up a bit of information on the 5 places we can send you to.
1. Sahara Desert

The Sahara Desert is found in the southern region of Africa. Its landscape has been mainly shaped by winds. The only river in the desert is the Nile River. The Sahara is very hot and dry.
2. Mojave Desert

Located in California, the Mojave Desert is the smallest of North America's four deserts. This desert is filled with brittlebrush and creosote bush. The Mojave is the rain shadow for the Sierra Nevada mountains, therefor it is very dry.
3. Sonoran Desert

The Sonoran Desert covers parts of Arizona, California, and Mexico. This desert has a unique climate. It gets more rain than any other desert. Although, when it's not raining the weather is hot and dry.
4. Great Victoria Desert

The Great Victoria desert is located in Australia. It is the third biggest desert in the world. This desert gets little rain, but when it does rain the desert blooms with many different flowers.
5. Kalahari Desert

The Kalahari desert is in Southern Africa. The air has much moisture here because the Indian Ocean is nearby.

Those are the five deserts "Dazzling Desert Adventures" caters to. Now that you've read these interesting facts you must be ready to book you flight! Remember, "Dazzling Desert Adventures" has the lowest price and the greatest experience!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Animals of the Desert

The desert is the perfect spot for a vacation because it suits everyone's interests! For you animal lovers out there, the desert has some of the most fascinating (and adorable) animals! Some of the animals are...
1. Ostrich
These creatures can grow to be 6-9 feet tall! They are omnivores and they lay eggs. The, lovely, ostrich is mainly found in Africa. And yes, you can ride them.
2. Coyote
 These dog-like animals are known for there amazing eyesight, sense of smell, and hearing. Coyotes have been spotted in Canada, the USA, and Mexico. 
3. Desert Tortoise 
The Desert Tortoise lives in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts. To survive the cold of the winter and the heat of the summer, these creatures will dig a burrow to hide in. They can dig up to 6 feet!
4. Sonoran Pronghorn Antelope 
These antelope are found only in America. The Sonoran Pronghorn Antelope were becoming endangered in 1920, but because of conservation, they are no longer at risk of extinction. 
5. Cactus Wren
This bird lives in the deserts of southern California and northern Mexico. The Cactus wren is the biggest wren in the US, at 7-9 inches long. They also don't migrate and stay in there region all year long.

Those are a few of the desert's animals. To show you a few more, here is a slideshow on some more desert animals.

If these animals look amazing and you want to see their habitat, go ahead and buy your ticket today through "Dazzling Desert Adventures" for an amazing vacation you won't forget!

The Plants of the Desert

Not many people think of the desert as a luscious environment, yet the plants there are unique and gorgeous in their own way. Some of the plants include....
1. Barrel Cactus

One of the most well know plants of the desert, the barrel cactus is a round cactus. These fascinating plants can grow up to eleven feet tall! It's also the largest cactus of the North American deserts.
2. Brittlebrush

This lovely plant is most common in the Mojave and Sonoron Deserts. The brittlebrush blooms in March through June and gives the desert a beautiful yellow color.
3. Chain Fruit Cholla

The Chain Fruit Cholla may look like a tree, but it's actually a cactus! It is found in many dry, sandy deserts around the world. The Chain Fruit Cholla's fruit is a pear shaped fruit commonly eaten by the Big Horn Sheep.
4. Creosote Bush

The Creosote Bush is mainly located in the desert regions of Texas, Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah. This bush looks very unique and can live up to 1,000 years!
5. Saguaro Cactus

This well known cactus is covered in 2-inch spikes. In May-June, the Saguaro Cactus blooms with white flowers. These cacti live in rockier deserts.

Of course, there are many other plants in the desert. Some of which include the ocotillo, Palo Verde, and Joshua Tree. But, these are some of the main plants. In the desert you can see all of these plants, so be sure to order your tickets through "Dazzling Desert Adventures!"